subsequent handling

英 [ˈsʌbsɪkwənt ˈhændlɪŋ] 美 [ˈsʌbsɪkwənt ˈhændlɪŋ]




  1. Stay tuned for subsequent articles, which describe best practices for structuring your WSDL service definitions, techniques for error handling, partitioning information between message body and headers, and batch processing.
  2. Combing the characteristics of process of chlorine and hydrogen treatment and the influences on the subsequent handling, The main risk was analysed and the safety measures were put forward.
  3. Subsequent discussion of this topic is oriented around error handling considerations that apply to these three phases.
  4. Segmentation is one of the most difficulty tasks in image processing. The performance of segmentation determines the reliability of subsequent handling.
  5. Furthermore, the speed of data processing is increased, and available for subsequent processing and handling on account of the optimizing design of computer interface software module.
  6. By means of the function, the access capability and subsequent handling ability of data are both enhanced in system and the transportability of data is increased.
  7. This paper examines the challenges faced during the design and subsequent successful commissioning of the COSAC Leach Plant. The challenges discussed include alloy handling, autoclave design, autoclave cooler design, residue liquor recovery and the water balance design.
  8. So the quench stove's temperature control precision is the direct reason of forge pieces 'quality, it will infect the forges' subsequent handling.
  9. Dilution of cladding layer is very important factor to influence the performance of forming metal parts and success of subsequent handling in process of laser cladding forming.
  10. Therefore, rubber tired gantry crane operation directly determines the subsequent handling operation on the loading chain.
  11. Yarn tension control will directly impact yarn quality and subsequent handling processing.